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375th Birthday of St. John De Britto 

Today (01 March 2022) we celebrate the 375th Birth anniversay of our loving red sand Saint St. Arulanandar. There is a special novena, followed by concelebrated Eucharist, car procession and distribution of sweets. May the intercession of St. John de Britto bring us all abundant heavenly blessings. Happy birthday to you our loving red sand Saint. 


Newly Constructed Statue of St. John De Britto at Oriyur

42 feet of St. John de Britto statue was consecrated by His grace. Antony Pappusamy, D.D, STD, Archbishop of Madurai on 02.10.2021. We are very grateful to Mr. S. Xavier Britto & family, Chairman at Kerry Indev Logistics Pvt Ltd, and Mr. Paul Sengol Raj & family, proprietor of JSPR Constructions, Madurai for their generous financial contribution to the construction of the statue.

Marble Surface

Annual Feast of Our Lady of Good Health at St. John De Britto Shrine, Oriyur 

We begin the Anual Feast of Our Lady of Good Health at St. Arulanandar Shrine with the flag-hoisting at 6.30 pm on 30 August 2021. There will be novena mass everyday until 06 September leaving out the Friday, Saturday and Sunday that falls during this week since the TN govt has forbidden worship on those days. Festival mass is on 07 September at 6.30 pm. You are all most welcome to the Shrine and receive the blessings of Our Lady of Good Health and St. Arulanandar.   

To your Kind attention

  • Please come with masks

  • Follow strictly the Covid protocols

  • Maintain social distance wherever you are in the shrine campus 

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Commemoration of Saint's Martyrdom on 4th of Every month  

On 4th day of every month at 6.30 pm, there will be a special novena to St. John de Britto, accompanied by holy Eucharist, car procession and adoration. Everyone is invited to obtain abundant blessings of our Lord through the intercession of St. John de Britto.   


National Justice Day Celebration on 28 July 2021

National Justice Day was celebrated in front of Our Lady of Good Health Church where the St. John de Britto was martyred in order to mark our solidarity in establishing justice.  The event started with a short sharing on the life of Fr. Stan Swamy SJ, a messenger of Justice by Fr. Francis Sales SJ. He also highlighted that Justice is the guiding threat for gathering together in his name. It was followed by the candle light procession, adoration and Eucharistic celebration, which highlighted the need for each one of us to become the ambassadors of establishing justice in our day-to-day life.


St. John de Britto Shrine,


Ramnad District.

Pin Code: 623 406

Tamilnadu, INDIA.

Mobile: 6385644930

Landline: 04561255355, 04561299271




6385644930 (Shrine common)

9444074877 (Rector & PP),

9442329321 (Asst. Parish Priest)

9751085316 (Procurator)

Landline: 04561255355, 04561299271


Facebook: John De Britto Shrine


Instagram: johndebrittoshrineoriyur



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